
2024 年5月春季刊

禱告詞 A Prayer (林奎佑)
編者語 From the Editor (邵健)

得了不能震動的國⸺試解希伯來書12章 Receiving a Kingdom that Cannot Be Shaken (張子義)
動盪中的異象⸺以賽亞書6章 Vision in Turmoil (潘儒達)
提比哩亞的問答⸺約翰福音21章 The Conversation at the Tiberias (潘儒達)
如同靈魂的錨 (柏恩光)
Anchor of the Soul (Taylor Birkhimer)

擁有萬有 I Have Everything Through God (王姐妹)
主沒有放棄我 The Lord Has Not Forsaken Me (Lucy)
認識唯一真神 Knowing the One True God (鄧姐妹)

心與筆的《神國》使命⸺2023 KRC協會創始人高俐理姐妹訪談 The Mission of KRC(《心版》編輯同工)

奇妙恩領 Wonderful Grace (張立明)
最長的彎路也是最近的歸途——舒展和舒方的生命見證 The longest way round is the shortest way home(蘇延芳)

讀懂神的起訴書⸺淺談先知書的應用 Understanding God’s Indictment – A Brief Discussion on the Application of the Prophets (潘瀾)
圣灵作工 每日更新 (安娜)
The Holy Spirit Works Renewal Everyday (Anna)
祷读笔记四则 (安娜)
Four Pieces of Prayerful Readings (Anna)
生命讀經不是選項而是必須 Bible Reading not a Choice but a Must (陳存)
《為我們而寫的舊約律法》讀後感 Reading Notes about《The Old Testament, Written for Us, Not to Us》 (Sandra)

被揀選的族類 ⸺COCM 宣教機會 (安吉・鮑曼)
The Chosen People – COCM MISSIONS OPPORTUNITY (Angie Bowman)
巴拿馬短宣之旅 Panama Short-Term Mission Trip (陳啟柏)

教會網站的使命 Church Website Mission (教會中文堂網站事工團隊)
折翼者的陪伴 The Companion of the Broken Wing (鄭霞)
屬靈恩賜事工⸺歷史、現況、展望 (潘儒達,老瑞欣,謝玲)
Spiritual Gift Ministry ⸺ History, Present, Future (Juta Pan, Victor Lo, Ling Xie)

錫安主日學感恩見證 Zion Sunday School Testimony on Thanksgiving (錫安主日學弟兄姊妹)
慶新春,頌主恩 Praise the Lord in New Year (楊薇)

熱愛冬季 Passion for Winter 陈明伽
談談靈魂體 Talking about Spirit、Soul and Body 湯傳斌
春晚三首小诗 Three Short Poems for the Spring Festival Gala 王義明
書摘:生命的起點 Book Excerpt: The Starting Point of Life 熊繼敏
試談美學中的真善美愛 A Brief on Truth, Goodness, Beauty and Love in Aesthetics 熊宗璜
畫作“心中十字架”簡介 Painting: “Cross in the Heart” 熊宗璜
畫作“頌讚三一神”簡介 Painting: “Praise to the Trinity” 熊宗璜
寫給自己的信 A Letter to Myself Sandra
愛的感悟 Insights of Love Sandra

漫畫:椒鹽雙拼 Salt and Pepper Double 王子中
詩:憶焦師母 In Memory of Mrs Chiao 李沉
詩:牧養衛星——獻給天下所有為主辛勞的牧者 Pastoral Satellite – To all the pastors 張建
詩:亞伯拉罕・摩利亞地 Abraham. Moriah 張子翊
Abraham. Moriah Ziyi Chang
詩:不要爲我哭泣 張子翊
Don’t Cry for Me Ziyi Chang

在憂悶中仰望神⸺詩篇42篇 “Put Your Hope in God” – Psalm 42 張越剛