He Made Me New


My Life Before Christ

I have always been curious about spirituality and have been exposed to Christianity previously through friends, books, Christian movies and a few visits to church.  Despite that, my heart was hard, and I could not feel the impulse to come to Christ back then. I also encountered a few Christians and attended church services a couple of times, but did not develop a good impression of Christians – I thought they were judgmental, exclusive, and sometimes even narrow-minded. At that time I was also reading the Bible literally and critically. 

How I Came to Christ

The first time my view of Christianity got changed was through my friend Songjie. Unlike Christians I encountered previously, she did not actively talk about Jesus, the Bible and her faith. Instead, she listened to my stories and struggles and then said, “I will pray for you,” which I found was remarkably beautiful.

Crisis Turned Into Opportunity

Then last year, I was struggling with neighbor disputes. I tried so hard, but nothing worked out.  I felt so helpless and desperate during that time. During the period of crisis, I was constantly crying, my heart was weak, and I almost fell into depression. Songjie, Christina and a lot of people prayed for me. And I got re-introduced to Christ, and started to come to church regularly. They carried me through, and I found hope and relief. I was able to read the Bible and see God in a new view, that God’s will is to mold people to be His faithful servants through obstacles and struggles.

The crisis of the past few months re-introduced me to God, and I saw my sins and arrogance from the past. I realized my gifts and talents are not for granted, but are instead His gift to lead me and prepare me to come to Him. I regained my strength and patience knowing that God has always been there for me. 

I was Ready

After a couple of months of fighting against neighbor issues, the landlord finally sent out a termination notice to ask my neighbors to move out. I know it is God whose hands are guiding this through. 

On the Sunday afternoon of February 19, I felt that my personal private tutor, the Holy Spirit, came to talk to me in pronounced words when Pastor Hsiao-Dun said, “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all from today to eternity.” I knew I was ready at that moment. In the following weeks, my green card was approved at an expedited speed.  I was touched when my prayer for Songjie’s green card was also answered in a way I never expected. 

He Brought Me Back

Looking back at the past few months’ struggles and experience, He prepared me, found me, and brought me back to become His child. He made me new! Today as I stand, I know His love is with me. He will continue to lead and mold me into His Purposes. I will follow Him and glorify His name! 

Qingxuan was baptized in April 2023.  She is part of the COM congregation.

Edited and translated into Chinese by Hei Man (Grace) Yeung