I Know Nothing but Christ

Minister Ruth Tao

Editor’s Note: The following article is the personal testimony of Minister Ruth Tao (Interim Girl’s Youth Minister), recently shared with our youths.


Hello, everyone, my name is Ruth, and I am from China.  I just moved from Texas to Boston last August.  I lived in Texas for almost ten years. I recently graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary, and my husband and I got newly married eight months ago. I am the new Interim Girl’s Youth Minister, which means I am not the permanent youth minister, and it’s a short-term position.

I Know Nothing but Christ

Today, first of all, I would like to tell you a few of my stories. Secondly, like Paul said in 1 Cor 2:2, “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified! I am also convinced that, in my life, I know nothing but Jesus Christ.” I will explain to you why I quote this. 

In my life, I know nothing but Jesus Christ. I know you guys might want to say, “Come on!  This is the standard answer of Christians; I have heard that millions of times, and I can say that too.”  Yes, you are right, but the question is this: do we say this out of our heads to prove that we are Christians, or do we truly say this from the deepest parts of our hearts?

Adopted by a Godly Family

In the year that I was born, the one-child policy was strictly enforced in China; plus, my parents preferred having a boy over having a girl. So, before I was born, my mom met a family at church, and she said to them, “If it is a boy, we will keep him. But if it is a girl, do you want to adopt her?” Well, apparently, it was a girl.  I was given away on the first day I was born.

However, I am very thankful for that.  My adopted dad was a very godly man.  I used to see him kneel down to pray before he went to bed, and after dinner he would open a hymn book and sing songs to the Lord. I loved my adopted parents dearly. 

Being Rich Does Not Bring Happiness

However, when I was 6, for many reasons, I went back to my biological family.  Interestingly, it’s like a novel.  My adopted family was poor, and my biological family was quite rich.  My adopted family lived in a small apartment with poor conditions.  And my biological family already owned two big high-rise buildings.

I should have been happy to go live with my rich family, but I was so hurt and angry and I just wanted to be with my adopted parents, because where they were was my home. But I could not and I learned the first lesson in my life: being rich does not bring me happiness. My biological parents got divorced when I was 8, and after 2 years, I started to live with my dad and my dad remarried.  My dad and my stepmothers were not Christians, so it was hard to live with them.

Fame Cannot Satisfy Me

Another lesson I learned in my life is that fame cannot satisfy me. I do not know what they do in China now, but back when I was in middle school and high school, they ranked the students after every mid-term and final exam.  These rankings determine where you go for high school and college. 

Because of my musical talents, I went to the best high school and one of the top colleges in my province. And after I graduated, I became a public high school teacher. In China, people love working in the public sector, because it is stable and has the best benefits.  While I was working, I won a lot of awards both for singing and teaching, and the choir I was in won a national gold prize award.  But all these successes did not bring me joy and strength, and my heart was not satisfied. 

Lots of Questions About Life

The painful things that happened to me in my formative years left me with a lot of questions about my life, such as:

“Why do these things happen to me?”

“Who am I”

“Why am I here on the earth, and what is the purpose of my life?”

Yes, I was a Christian since I was little; however, I still could not find answers to my questions.

Chasing True Freedom

Thankfully, I finally found the answers after I came to the US.  In my seventh year in the US, I learned my third lesson, that true freedom is the freedom to think for yourself and follow your own convictions.

When I was in China, because of what happened to me I felt shameful, felt like I was worth nothing, and I developed severe depression.

But after I came to the US, I went to seminary, and I met faithful professors who not only helped me understand the Bible in a deeper and more profound way, but also they understood me, loved me and accepted me for who I was.

Studying in seminary helped me find the answers to my questions. I understand that I am God’s unique creation, I am “I”, and I am precious in His eyes. All the things that happened in my life have the purpose to glorify His name. And God healed my depression.

Later, I realized that the deepest reason why I had these questions was that I was rejected, deeply hurt, and I was so confused. Because I was healed, felt loved, and fully accepted, I do not really need answers anymore for some of the questions I had before.

Well, I am not saying we do not have to study hard; I study God’s words all the time. I AM saying that I cannot know everything about God, myself, or this world, but I know enough. And with God, I can get on with my life.   

A Place in the Eternal World

Oh friends, I must stop here. If you have any questions about what I said, or just about me, please come and talk to me. Now, I hope you are now getting to know me a little bit more. I look forward to getting to know you as well! Have a wonderful day!

Through the things that happened and lessons I learned in my life, I realized how helpless we are as human beings, and how hopeless the world is. And my hope is not on this earth but is anchored in the eternal world where there is no decay, no sorrow, and no disease.

Most importantly, it is my faith in Jesus Christ that gives me a place in that eternal world. The hope that I have in Jesus Christ brings me joy, strength, and love that never fails. So that I can live my life on earth as it is in heaven. That’s why I said in the beginning, “In my life, I know nothing but Jesus Christ!”

Edited by: Hei Man (Grace) Yeung