Spiritual Gift Ministry

⸺ History, Present, and Future

Juta Pan, Victor Lo, Ling Xie

“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.” (1 Corinthians 12:4-6)

Our History (Victor Lo)

The Spiritual Gift Ministry (SGM) was founded by Rev. Kenneth C. Haugk in about 2002 as a sub-ministry of Stephen Ministries St. Louis which was also founded by Rev. Haugk. With his combined expertise as a pastor and a clinical psychologist, Rev. Haugk designed the course materials for SGM which are now used in many churches.

At CBCGB, our own SGM was launched in 2004 by our former pastor King-Fai Choi. The ministry began with the Spiritual Gift Sunday School course led by Pastor Choi in our Chinese Ministry, utilizing the English course materials he brought back from a Stephen Ministries Conference including textbooks and survey questionnaires for helping Christians to discover, develop, and deploy spiritual gifts as outlined in Chapter 12 of 1 Corinthians.

The Spiritual Gift course at CBCGB then became mandatory for baptized Christians and a continuous class in the Chinese Sunday School. It was quickly known that such course series would generate ongoing valuable data to help our sisters and brothers locate an appropriate service opportunity and for various ministry leaders to recruit spiritually gifted co-workers. Subsequently during the summer of 2004, Pastor Choi started assembling a small task force including Sister Joyce Chen and Brother Victor Lo on making use of survey data gathered from the class to match different ministry needs. Soon, the course materials were translated to Chinese by Sisters Chung-Pei Chang and Weihsin Chau under the supervision of Pastor Choi. The course was later taught by Elder Hung along with Sisters Chung-Pei Chang and Weihsin Chau at the time. In late 2008, the SGM data-driven effort was re-launched by Elder Hung, with Sister Ling Xie, Brothers Victor Lo and Bing Xia joining the SGM. The recent course instructor team includes: Sisters Chung-Pei Chang and Ella Lin, Elder Ming Tsai, and Pastor Juta Pan.

What we are doing (Ling Xie)

In the fall of 2022, under the encouragement and leadership of Pastor Juta Pan, Brother Harry Han joined SGM. Together with Victor Lo and Ling Xie, they began to build the church’s “Serving Opportunities” web page, which allows every ministry to post service opportunities for brothers and sisters to apply online. This platform serves as a bridge connecting those who are willing to participate in church services and ministries that need co-workers. The webpage was launched on August 13, 2023 and has been playing its role since then. The hope is that everyone can find a dream serving opportunity and every ministry can recruit needed co-workers. On the same day that the website was launched, SGM organized a ministry fair with the theme of “Everyone participates in service and builds the church together.” Eight ministries participated and most of them found new workers at the fair. Encouraged by the result, SGM team members decided to turn the fair into an annual church event. This year, it will be held on May 5th.

Another task of the SGM is to strengthen the operation and management of church ministries. Its scope mainly includes:
1. Write a job description for every service position so that participants know the purpose, goals, responsibilities, and how to develop and deploy their God-given gifts through services.
2. Outline Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for large, regular church events, which can be used as guidelines for future ministry leaders.
3. Develop training materials for ministries that require many co-workers to ensure that all participants know and understand the purpose, responsibilities, codes of conduct, and standard operating procedures of the ministry.
Archive the above documents with the goal of being easily reviewed and referenced.

This task requires a collaboration between the SGM team and individual ministry leaders: SGM provides examples and formats, ministry leaders draft documents, and SGM edits and archives. This ministry is in its early stage, and Sister Haixia Wang will work on it, she joined our team recently.

Our Future (Juta Pan)

The goal of this ministry is to fulfill the commission of Jesus Christ to us, realizing the participation of everyone in the service of the church, enabling God’s church to become a light for generations, spreading the gospel, expanding God’s kingdom, and allowing people to receive Jesus’ salvation and God’s blessings. After His resurrection, Jesus Christ’s commission to His disciples was: “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” (John 20:21) Jesus’ commission becomes the mission of God’s church and every Christian who has received God’s salvation through faith. Therefore, witnessing God’s glory through service is the mission received from God by every Christian. Hebrews 9:14 also reminds every child of God that serving God is the purpose of Jesus Christ’s salvation for us; without service, we fail to fulfill the purpose for which God saved us. Being satisfied with merely being saved also loses the opportunity to share and manifest God’s glory through service.

Therefore, an ideal church should be a mobilized community where everyone participates in service, just as Ephesians 4:12 states: “to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” Thus, God has given gifts to all His children, and we are to recognize, explore, and use our gifts in church services. However, the reality often involves a few dedicated workers shouldering the church’s ministry, and some may even experience burnout. Many brothers and sisters either observe from a distance or are eager to serve but find no opportunity to contribute effectively. The challenge is to enable every member of the church to participate in services like a family member, facilitating the effective and powerful communication of God’s gospel. This is a goal every church, including CBCGB, should strive for, and it is what the Spiritual Gift Ministry should continue to pursue.

I have previously mentioned from the pulpit that Pastor Philip Teng, a servant of God greatly used in the past, emphasized in his “Life of Service” that services should encompass:
1. Life: Our relationship with God and surrender to Him;
2. Lifestyle: Living a life that glorifies God;
3. Labor: Involvement in the church’s ministry. Therefore, the scope of services is broader than just participating in the church’s activities.
Our focus of this article is on involvement in church ministries.

Therefore, the hope is that the Spiritual Gift Ministry can collaborate with various congregations and ministries, pursuing the goal of involving everyone in services. To effectively establish this goal, I believe we can collectively strive in the following directions:
1. Church pastors and elders should constantly seek the vision and ministry focus that align with the enduring mission entrusted by the Lord Jesus to the church at each stage. Share these visions with the entire congregation regularly, enabling the entire church to understand, synchronize with fellow workers, and find their own positions of service.
2. Services should not solely rely on gifts; mature spirituality forms the foundation of services. Pastors and spiritual growth ministries should collaborate to nurture and equip the congregation spiritually, making us vessels fit for use. This collaboration should be a joint effort of the Spiritual Gifts Ministry, pastors, and the Spiritual Formation Ministry.
3. Encourage more brothers and sisters to participate in the Spiritual Gifts Adult Sunday School. While spiritual gifts are not the sole criterion for determining the direction of our services, this course helps us understand ourselves better, recognize our gifts, and understand the attitude required for services. It provides significant assistance in our choices and involvement in services.
4. At the current stage, the Spiritual Gift Ministry is cooperating with other ministries to establish a platform for the entire congregation to seek and participate in services. Hopefully, this platform can be established fully in the near future and play a role as a bridge between the congregation and ministries.
5. Furthermore, I hope the Spiritual Gift Ministry can assist various ministries in creating comprehensive records for each ministry. This includes different ministry responsibilities, operation manuals, etc., ensuring that all ministries are sustainable, not dependent on specific individuals, and can continue to thrive. This will contribute to the overall health of our church in its ministries.

Finally, not only is it the goal of the Spiritual Gift Ministry, but it also is a collective effort for all ministries within the entire church. May God lead the church so that we can “In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.” (Ephesians 2:21) How can our church become unified, with each congregation and ministry having distinct characteristics and focuses, yet in the midst of diversity, complement each other, allowing us to truly live out a unified testimony? Under this overarching goal, the first step is to establish a spirit of teamwork. Regardless of the size of each ministry, it is crucial to build teams and move away from individualistic tendencies, fostering a culture where teams support each other. Continuously discovering and nurturing new talents not only ensures a succession plan but also lightens the load for fellow workers. It promotes a sense of teamwork, focusing not only on the needs and interests of one’s own team but also demonstrating a willingness to care about the needs of other teams and finding harmonious collaboration (Philippians 2:3-4). As we emulate Christ’s humility and work together for the sake of the gospel, not only do we please our Lord but we also become a beautiful testimony before others through unity. This is not just the goal of the Spiritual Gift Ministry but a shared effort for all ministries within the entire church.