The Holy Spirit Brings Renewal Everyday

Anna Zhou

The Holy Spirit urges me to witness His work in my heart. If I keep my mouth shut, the stones will cry. The stones of the wall cry out, and the beams of the woodwork echo for me to witness:  before dawn I am called up to read the scripture prayerfully in Him, and He teaches bits and pieces of understanding, even for simple, ignorant fools like me. He instructs me, counsels and guides me, with His loving eye on me to interpret the Books of the Prophetic Word in detail. Sister Duojia prayed, and my heart overflowed with good matters: He prepared my pen, ready to tell of His wonder. (Luke 19:40; Ps 32:8; 45:1; Hab2:11) 

 Holy Spirit’s work–purposes and characteristics   

The Holy Spirit works to mold me to be like God’s Son, Christ, with His heart. His presence will show three characters: First, He will convict the world and me of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. Second, He will help me put off my old self and put on the new, and be renewed as I learn to know our Creator and become like Him. Third, He must increase; I must decrease. (John 16:8. Col 3:10; John 3:30)

The Holy Spirit works out three effects:  

First, Christ’s ever-lasting love in long sufferings. His light would shine on my heart to put off my old self, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and cleanse my thoughts daily. God is pleased with every small step of turning back to Him, life changing and renewing. (Eph 4:22)

Second, bearing fruit of the Holy Spirit, with nine flavoring aromas: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. The last one is the hardest. No longer relying on myself, unlike the Desperate Third Shi Xiu risking his life to pull the last straw.  Pray and ask God about anything big or small, about what to do and how. I, who lack the three: knowledge, power and good, follow the Holy Spirit’s lead to go forward or back with no anxiety. The workload of writing is huge. The Lord will do His will without delay, because the Holy Spirit knows His timetable. I shall fix my eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and finisher of faith. For the joy set ahead, He endured the cross, scorning its shame. Since I had regretted and repented without grabbing every opportunity to share the gospel in 1991, I have never forgotten to follow Jesus, going forth unto Him outside of the camp, beyond the walls of church, bearing His reproach. (Gal 5:22-23; Ro 8:26; Is 55:11; Heb 12:2; 13:13)

Third, saving souls. The Lord has opened my spiritual eyes to see God’s wonders accompanying gospel believers.  The person who hears goes out with joy, and is led with peace. (Mark 16:17; Is 55:12)

Summary.  We go in company with the Lord. Bible groups, old and new friends, relatives, coworkers and schoolmates are joyfully sharing God’s love letter for all these years with daily responses, which touch my heart and inspire us to follow Him. Let all who take refuge in You be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread Thy protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice. (Ps 5:11)