All posts by Jian Shao




幾週前得湯湧兄弟命,因CBCGB Philly School (蒙愛事工)需較多的老師照顧有特殊需求的孩童,作為Philly家長,為學校作一小文,略表心得,因成此文。


你有想像過天堂的樣子嗎? 2014 年7月, 女兒出生的時候,我以為望見了天堂的一角。窗外彩霞滿天,房間裡滿屋嬰兒的香味。懷裡的小人兒,抿一下玫瑰色的唇,我便看見她兩頰深深的酒窩,這是我奶奶留給她所有兒孫的印記。一切都安定了,只待我們把她好好地撫養長大,她便可以張開雙臂擁抱這個世界,一切自由的,豐富的 ,美好的,快樂的。

給她取名叫做Emma,簡單,好聽。先生又取一個中文名叫“容若”,出自《千字文》“容止若思,言辭安定”,寄意從容沉靜。從醫院回家,她像一切的嬰兒一樣,渾身香香的,小小的亮亮的眼睛會追著床頭轉動的玩具看。過一些天會笑了,圓圓粉紅的手指含在嘴裡 ,躺在搖搖椅上,聽著音樂,看著我們在屋子裡忙來忙去的身影。






CBCGB Philly School

我是一個在黑暗中大雪紛飛的人啊! (木心:《雲雀叫了一整天》)

盧梭在《懺悔錄》裡面寫道:在他的一生中,從未遇過一個願意與他人交換人生的人。而我看著我的生活,看著Emma無可掙脫的命運,想盧梭是不是一輩子也沒有遇過一個像我這樣不幸的人呢? 我可以毫不猶豫的與他人交換人生,只需Emma是健康的。


2022年的復活節,湯湧邀我們帶Emma到他們家玩遊戲。我於是說明了Emma的情況,告訴他Emma無法參加這樣的活動。湯湧在隔天便帶著自己的女兒來我們家裡,與Emma玩彩蛋。更是在第二週的週末就帶我們去了Philly School。在慢慢的幾個星期之後, Emma與Philly School的老師熟悉了,我和先生就有一個小時的時間去聽佈道。不要看這短短的一個小時,這是我們每週的生活中難得的安靜平和的一個小時。而牧師們的講道也為我們打開了通往另一個世界的門。


相信每個人的生活,都有不同的不幸與挑戰。但當我去到Philly School,看到那一雙柔和且充滿愛意的眼睛時,看到老師們向Emma伸出他們的手臂擁抱她時,我看見了完美無瑕的水果外皮的粉霜。是的,不管他們的生活中發生過什麼,我看見的是沒有被生活磨礪過的臉,看見了他們不曾被磨滅的最優秀的品質。引用我自己前年評論李白與杜甫時寫下的一句話:


對,這就是我在Philly School看到的靈魂,是上帝保護的靈魂。時至今日,若再被問到,願意與他人交換人生嗎? 我說不願意。愛對我的教育,使我懂得,天下必然有不幸的孩子,生來便有疾病。而如果不幸是必然,我願意成為那個與不幸面對面的人。因為我還有愛,也被愛感染,上帝將孩子放在我的手心,我要對自己充滿溫情柔意,護住我心靈上的粉霜,滋養Emma的一生。


Just need to be with you
As the moments are so few
Time flies like an arrow
You’ll grow and one day I’ll go

Tears that I shed for you
Be them of joy or sorrow
Like streams they flow
From my heart to the sea’s shallow

In the sky above stars glow
And the moon reflects the whiteness of snow
Yet fate casts its shadow Like a dust I settle

In my arms is my very pearl
From hair to the toe
Pure and loving are the eyes of you
Burnt and melted are my heart and soul

Nothing in the world I shall ever follow
But each step that you go


歡樂的,悲傷 的




A silhouette of a person holding a baby

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張應元, 嚴美莉


承載著兩千年文化底蘊,中亞歷史上是歐亞文明碰撞的焦點。 從波斯帝國、亞歷山大帝國、蒙古帝國到前蘇聯成員國,中亞一直是世界各大帝國的重要交會地。 擁有天山山脈下的伊賽克湖和世界屋脊之一的帕米爾高原,以及壯觀的古城,這片土地見證了絲綢之路昔日的繁榮。 然而在近代,中亞卻淪為被遺忘的疆域。

中亞的歷史神秘,問題複雜。 這片地區包括世界最大的內陸國哈薩克、有著宛如《一千零一夜》筆下古老伊斯蘭風情的烏茲別克斯坦、自然純淨有中亞瑞士美譽的吉爾吉斯坦、被重重高山包圍隱藏的塔吉克、以及被旅遊書形容為僅次於北韓的封閉國家土庫曼斯坦等五個國家。 它們都曾是蘇聯的一部分。 在人類文明發展史上,這裡留下了許多傳奇故事,如亞歷山大大帝東征、張騁的西域之行、霍去病的英勇事蹟、以及絲綢之路的繁榮。 然而,隨著蘇聯解體,這五個國家分别獨立出來,卻面臨經濟、基礎建設、財政、出口和媒體等多方面的挑戰。 儘管中國的一帶一路政策為中亞地區帶來新的發展機遇,但內部矛盾和經濟下滑仍困擾著這片土地。

中亞人民在某些方面還會懷念過去的共產主義歲月,不管怎樣,那時基本需求得到滿足,但如今的生活水平卻急劇下降。 哈薩克相對狀況較好,而吉爾吉斯坦和塔吉克等國的人們普遍選擇移民或外出打工,增加了社會的壓力。 俄羅斯的經濟下滑導致入境減少,使許多失業人口無法找到出路。



 在西元8世紀,阿拉伯人的伊斯蘭大軍入侵中亞,使整個地區的居民改信穆斯林。 到了18至19世紀,俄羅斯人南下征服中亞,完全控制了這片土地。 1917年,蘇聯實行共產主義,推動無神論政策,清真寺和教堂被關閉。 1991年,蘇聯解體,中亞國家紛紛獨立。

然而,基督徒在面對各種限制時並未止步不前。 他們在城市和鄉鎮建立了60多個家庭教會,培養領袖,並滿足了神學教育的需求。 由於政治形勢,大多數牧者和教會領袖只能在職場中事奉。 在蘇聯解體後的自由時期,基督徒抓住機會傳福音,如今這些努力已結出豐碩果實。

近年來,中亞國家頒布了限制穆斯林活動的法律,但執行上存在問題,對基督徒產生了負面影響。 中亞多國已禁止傳教,對改教者持強硬立場。 由於政策限制,在中亞國家越來越難推進外國宣教工作,這使得本地信徒在教會和福音傳播中扮演更重要的角色。 儘管時局不同,神的福音仍在傳揚,屬神的人應當抓住機會,因為時機一旦過去,就不再來。


我們教會(CBCGB)這幾年在中亞開展了一個宣教事工⸺透過幫助當地基督徒經商來扶持他們並傳播福音(Business As a Mission, BAM)。

基於中亞一些地區窘迫的經濟現狀,當地的宣教有著特殊的需求與挑戰。 很多人離開當地到國外謀生,導致原來稀少的基督徒進一步流失。另一方面,傳統的宣教士資助模式在那裡行不通,甚至為那地區帶來不好的見證。 當地人看到外國宣教士過著安逸的生活,總是來來去去,做的事情似乎只是與人談談話,看起來很安逸,不需要辛苦勞作,就可以從美國或西方差派機構那裡 輕鬆得到錢。 傳統模式給當地人留下錯誤的印象,導致當地人想成為基督徒,甚至想成為牧師作為一個容易的謀生手段。

因此,幫助他們解決生計問題,讓人們包括基督徒可以留下來,是解決當地問題的當務之急。 我們教會目前在中亞進行了一個新型態的宣教事工:幫助當地人經商解決他們的經濟問題,留住他們的人,並將福音傳播到他們心中。

耶穌對門徒說:“天上地下所有的權柄都賜給我了。所以,你們要去使萬民作我的門徒,奉父子聖靈的名給他們施洗 。凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同在,直到世界的末了。”(馬太福音28:18-20)



基督不只是教會的主,他在商業、家庭、政府和一切生活中都宣稱自己擁有權柄和王權(歌羅西書 1:16)。

“無論做什麼,都要為榮耀神而行。”(哥林多前書 10:31)

如果我們被呼召去做“生意”,我們想要建立“王國生意” Kingdom Business。 這項工作與在這個世界上建立基督的國度有明確的連結。 它直接涉及使萬民成為門徒。

這個事工贏得當地政府和社區的尊重。 它不僅提供資金開展所需的基督事工項目,還創造了許多就業機會並促進了當地經濟。 總的來說,它給當地人帶來祝福和繁榮。

我們在中亞花了很多時間幫助許多年輕的基督徒追求他們的夢想。 他們分享了他們的創業熱情以及向其他年輕人分享福音的願望。 然而,他們不知道如何制定計劃,也沒有資源來開始他們的計劃。我們幫助他們建立自己的商業理念、商業和財務計劃,幫助他們建立小企業來養活自己。


  1. 幫助/支持當地的信徒、牧師、傳教士,他們渴望與當地人分享耶穌的好消息,並願意做生意來維持自己的生活。
  2. 幫助他們進行可行性研究,市場調查,市場分析,並制定商業計劃和財務計劃。 引導並支持他們獲得金融貸款。
  3. 一旦企業開始運營,我們教他們記錄其業務運營政策和程式,以執行一致的業務管理。
  4. 我們定期拜訪他們,並透過 Zoom 電話與他們會面,跟進並解決手頭上的任何業務問題。


當下中亞地區存在動亂,基督徒人數不到 1%。 讓我們一起為世界上這個失落的地方祈禱。

親愛的天父,我們感謝你聆聽我們的禱告! 感謝你讓我們參與全世界分享福音的事工! 你告訴我們直到地極我們要去傳佈福音。 為著整個教會會眾熱切宣教的心意托舉起弟兄姊妹來歸向你,感謝主!

主啊! 你大能的手攪動中亞這個地區,開始屬靈的復興並擊退敵人。 要在中亞建立起更多你的事工,在這困難的時候能夠支持在那裡的弟兄姊妹。 當你的孩子傳福音面臨迫害和打擊時請求主賜予力量和勇氣。


主啊! 我們祈禱你的聖名被大聲讚美! 讓全地的人都知道你是獨一真神!








一、場地的租借:波士頓交響樂團音樂廳於1900年由建築師根據物理學教授華萊士·克萊門特·薩賓 (Wallace Clement Sabine) 以數學公式設計建造而成,能藉天花板、牆壁、座椅結構將全廳音響混聲於兩秒內完成、傳至聽眾席。大廳在聲學科技與古典圖案間實現了完美平衡。壁龕中放置了16尊希臘和羅馬雕像的複製品,贏得當代學者“美國雅典”美名。唐崇榮牧師對於能否在這舉世聞名、頂級的古典音樂廳有機會傳講救主福音已盼望多年。這期間幾經與猶太人業主來回協商波折,竟然在今年能夠找出全年唯一三天的排檔時段,拍板允許舉辦基督教的活動、且將廣告登在音樂廳公眾的網路上,這就是一件神蹟。

二、 聯合詩班的獻詩:為了配合唐崇榮牧師佈道,合田事工聖樂團號召大波士頓地區眾教會弟兄姊妹們組成聯合詩班獻詩。我們每週六下午一起練唱總共花了三個多月的時間。人數從起初的十多位開始、一直增加到後來七十多位,均來自12個不同的華人基督教會。到佈道會最後一天,又有約五十位從戈登學院合唱團的美國基督徒學生加進來,一起完成韓德爾彌賽亞神曲的哈利路亞百人大合唱。這本來是我們聯合詩班覺得不太可能唱得起來的挑戰。沒想到,在林望傑博士的指揮下竟然能夠順利推出完美的獻唱,且在結束時得到他這位專業人士的鼓掌稱讚。我們團員都以在有生之日能站上波士頓交響樂團音樂廳殿堂讚美神、為畢生難忘的珍貴歷史回憶與榮譽。



第一天、他說出人類的墮落犯罪、懼怕神、離開神後、以樹葉遮蓋自己赤身露體犯罪的事實。今天最可怕的是,人類在可怕光景中,不知道害怕。人用文化、宗教、教育來掩蓋自己所犯的罪。創世記第三章21節,“耶和華神為亞當和他妻子用皮子做衣服給他們穿” (和合本)。指出主耶穌是神的羔羊、被殺流血、在十架上除去世人的罪、為人類付出犯罪必死的代價。唐牧師呼召聽眾回到上帝面前、暴露並承認自己的罪、接受上帝預備基督救恩的皮衣。

第二天、他先做了福音問題解答,如同性戀、神的揀選與人的自由、看美女與性侵、上帝的愛與真理、試管嬰孩等等議題,勸大家回到聖經,按真理而行,然後佈道。主題是闡釋人的“自由”。上帝創造人,給人禁令。說明真自由是相對的、必須在規律 (order) 中受約束且具有目的性。人是藉著基督也是為了基督被創造的,因此人的自由必須守住真理的原則,而道就是真理。接著他列舉全世界三大古文明的哲學家們對“道”的論述。中國孔子與老子講論的道、希臘哲學家說的話Logos 以及印度的創造、維護與毁滅三位神的信仰。進而提出舊約聖經律法對於上帝聖潔、公義、良善以及新約聖經對於上帝憐憫、恩典與審判的啟示。最後唐牧師再次呼召大家要悔改,做一個真正與愛主的基督徒。


聚會末了,唐牧師做了兩種呼召。 一、是呼召慕道友決志信主。二、是呼召基督徒奉獻自己做全時間的傳道人。 這三天的佈道會都有影音紀錄登在油管(YouTube)視頻上,回放供大家觀看聆聽上帝藉著他所發出來的信息。事後,我收集整理了大會的決志單,知道還是有人舉手但是沒有機會填寫。 結果約有20位決志信主耶穌,另外有42位決志奉獻自己做傳道。求主的聖靈繼續動工在這些決志的人身上,成全天父在他們身上的旨意。

對我而言,最令我憂心的是唐牧師最後提出的警訊:“我這次來北美傳道,是給你們機會。美國聽到這樣信息的機會越來越少了。美國除非悔改歸向上帝, 將會走向滅亡!”讓我們一起為美國守望禱告。

GPS Habitat for Humanity Group Day

Jim Chou

On a bright Saturday morning, a gentle but brisk fall breeze blew as seven of us from Cross Bridge’s GPS fellowship group and one young adult member of Cross Bridge gradually converged on a half-built multi-family condo construction site in Malden, Massachusetts. We were there for Habitat for Humanity’s “build day,” where we would work alongside other volunteers, Habitat employees, and future residents to build a home. Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help those in need get safe and affordable housing. Habitat for Humanity was founded in 1973 based on the concept of “partnership housing” whereby those in need of housing work side by side with volunteers to build decent and affordable homes, and then pay for those homes with no interest loans. Funds from their payments along with donations then fund further new construction. Habitat for Humanity now builds homes in 70 countries, and 50 states and has afforded 46 million people the safety and stability of an affordable home. Habitat’s mission is just as important today as it was when it was founded. Here in the US in 2021, over 1 in 6 pay over half of their income on housing. With the dramatic inflation and increase in housing costs of the last several years that figure has likely gotten worse.

We spent almost a full day from 8:30 to 3:30 at the site and were blessed in many ways. We enjoyed learning practical building skills like hammering, nail pulling, power drilling, and using a power saw, and an industrial stapler! We were blessed to be able to use these newly acquired skills to help a few of our neighbors who would otherwise face hardship by performing various construction tasks to help complete the condo project. We enjoyed developing relationships – both existing ones like with our fellowship members and people we were less familiar with, such as Simon, a single from Cross Bridge, our Habitat staff leaders, as well as volunteers from Northeastern University. One of our members, Ping Lei, was touched when the future owner of one of the units, who was working with us, told him how appreciative he was of our help in building a home for him. In a time where much darkness abounds, we were all blessed to be able to express God’s love in building up and loving our neighbors rather than taking and destroying and to see the goodness of God in one another. All of us are eager to participate again in this and other activities where we can share God’s love in a practical way and get to know and love one another more.

GPS 仁人家園服事日

Jim Chou

入秋的週六早晨,陽光明媚但寒風入骨。跨越橋學齡父母團契(GPS)的七位成員和一名年輕單身會友聚集在馬爾登市(Malden)一棟未竣工的多戶公寓前,正和其他志願者、仁人家園(Habitat for Humanity)員工和未來居民一起度過“建造家園日”。仁人家園是個旨在幫助有需要人群獲得安全低廉住房的非營利組織 ,成立於1973年,理念是“夥伴式建房”,即讓有住房需要者與志願者一同建造體面而承擔得起的住房,然後以無息貸款方式償還建築費用,所償付的金額和機構所收的捐款再用於建造新的住房。仁人家園目前在70個國家,50個州建造房屋,幫助四千六百萬人住進安全穩定的經濟適用房。 今天,它的使命與成立初期同等重要,因為在2021年,美國超過六分之一家庭的收入一半以上用於住房開支。過去幾年通貨膨脹率急劇上升,住房成本增加,現狀可能更糟糕。

從早上八點半到下午三點半,我們在仁人家園工地度過了幾乎一整天,得益頗多。 我們學會了實用的建築技能,如用錘子、拔釘子、動力鑽孔、用動力鋸和建築“釘書機”! 很感恩神使用我們,用這些新獲得的技能幫助解決鄰居在公寓施工上面臨的困難。我們的關係得到建造,包括團契成員之間以及和不太熟悉的人,如不是GPS成員的跨越橋單身弟兄Simon,仁人家園的建築師傅們,以及一些東北大學的學生義工。當一位未來房主說他非常感謝我們幫助他建造房屋時,我們的成員之一平雷深受感動。在一個充滿黑暗的世代,我們很有福氣,能通過蓋房子來表達上帝對鄰舍的愛,也讓我們彼此相愛,而不是掠奪和破壞,並在彼此身上看到上帝的良善。 我們所有人都渴望能再次參與這項活動以及其以實際的方式分享神的愛的火丁,以此互相了解,彼此相愛。




C:姊妹們,有組員問:“約翰福音7:16-17中耶穌說:‘我的教訓不是我自己的,乃是那差我來者的。人若立志遵著他的旨意行,就必曉得這教訓或是出於神,或是我憑著自己說的。’這兩節經文如何揭示了聖父、聖子和聖靈間有合一的旨意及工作的?”另外也有人問:“ 聖靈那時還沒來啊!信耶穌才會領受聖靈。”請問大家的看法。 感謝!


H:在約翰福音8:58“耶穌說:‘我實實在在地告訴你們:還沒有亞伯拉罕就有了我。’” 耶穌說的話,你可以用信心接受嗎?同樣地,你可以接受聖𤫊還沒有𧶽下給我們之前,三一真神的聖父、聖子和聖𤫊的位格已經存在,也已經各盡其職的運作完成天父的旨意嗎?






C:問題繼續:“在約翰福音7:16-17 這兩節經文中(不是從別的經文中),只看到父、子,從字面上找不到聖靈的工作。可之前的問題問的是這兩節經文中在哪些方面解釋聖父、聖子和聖靈之間有合一的旨意及工作。

我不知道這樣理解對不對:從17節“人若立志遵神旨意行, 就必曉得這教訓是出於神”其中的“立志、遵行、曉得”,應該就是聖靈感動所做的工。






註:BSF®️(研讀聖經團契Bible Study Fellowship)是一個在世界各地提供免費深入研讀聖經課程的查經團契。有實體和網上兩種學習形式,一週一次一個半小時,男女分班,有普通話、粵語、英語可選擇。BSF所使用的四重研習法包括日常研經題、小組討論、教學和經文釋義。



整本聖經是神的話,不僅有益於人,而且比基本飲食更重要。主耶穌在曠野禁食四十天後,三次用申命記的經文抵擋魔鬼的試探,其中一處說,“經上記著說:‘人活著不是單靠食物,乃是靠神口裡所出的一切話。’ ”(太4:4)祂又說:“莫想我來要廢掉律法和先知;我來不是要廢掉,乃是要成全。我實在告訴你們:就是到天地都廢去了,律法的一點一畫也不能廢去,都要成全。”(太5:17-18)



如何理解並應用舊約律法,是聖經釋經學的範疇。多年前讀費伊和斯圖亞特(Gordon Fee and Douglas Stewart)的《讀經的藝術》 (How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth),其中的一句話,一直讓我回味無窮:“聖經是為我們而寫的,而不是寫給我們的(The Bible was written for us, not to us)。”




  1. 舊約律法是盟約(covenant)。舊約時代的近東地區有宗主契約的文化,對宗主(地主)和家臣(僕人)的義務有明確的規定。家臣遵守了規定,宗主就知道他是忠誠的;如果違反規定,宗主會以盟約的要求處罰家臣。神使用這個方式制定許多舊約的律法,確立神與祂拯救出埃及的以色列民族的盟約關係。主耶穌所設立的新約,修改了神與基督徒的關係,我們不是僕人,而是永生神的兒女。
  2. 舊約不是我們的約。舊約代表的是舊的盟約,我們不需要假定這個舊的約必然是我們要遵守的。事實上,如果這個約沒有在新的盟約中(藉著主耶穌和使徒的教導) 更新 (renew),它對我們沒有約束力。神要求我們的忠心和順服沒有改變,但我們表達忠心和順服的方式有改變。
  3. 舊約中的兩類條例沒有在新約中被重訂。摩西律法的大部分篇幅可分兩大類。以色列的民法列出與人交往時所犯的大小罪所應得的懲罰,僅適用於古時的以色列民眾。宗教律例詳細列出以色列人如何敬拜獻祭,包括器具的準備、祭司的責任和祭物的挑選等。因為主耶穌大祭司一次獻上永遠的祭,舊約的獻祭條例就立時作廢了。即便如此,這兩類條例背後的道德水準和敬虔態度基督徒依然要遵守和借鑑。主耶穌沒有廢除律法,而是代替罪人成全了律法。
  4. 舊約在新約中被修訂的部分基督徒必須遵守。舊約倫理的部分在新約裡被重新闡述,而且涵蓋的範圍更廣闊,繼續適用於今天,如“盡心、盡性、盡意愛耶和華你的神。”(申6:5)和愛人如己(利19:18)。重新制定的是律法的某些部分,而不是律法本身,因為只有基於愛人和愛神的誡命之下的律法,才是基督徒必須繼續遵守的。
  5. 全部舊約律法都是神對我們所說的話,但不是神給我們的命令。聖經中有神要我們知道的各種誡命,但不是所有誡命都是針對我們的。如耶穌對約翰的門徒說,“去把所聽見所看見的事告訴約翰:”(太11:4)這個命令的執行者只是約翰的門徒。同樣的,當我們讀到舊約關於古代以色列人的律法,如果這個律法沒有被新約重訂過,我們不是它的執行者。
  6. 舊約律法中唯有在新約裡明確重訂的,才被視為“基督的律法”的一部分(加6:2)。歸納以上各點,對基督徒而言,知道神全部律法很重要,但必須遵守的舊約律法僅限十誡(太5:21-37;約7:23)和在申命記6:5和利未記19:18 記載的兩條大誡命,在此之外的舊約律法沒有一條可以被證實是基督徒應該嚴格遵守的。


Four Days of Prayer-reading

Anna Zhou

12/2/2023 Deeply Known Christ My Lord 

Acts 9:1-25;10:36; Matt 28:18; Is 42:1-4; Phil 2:9-11; Rev 17:14; 19:16

  1. The Lord who Paul deeply knew on the way to Damascus

   ·  Christ was taken up into heaven and surpassed all; Christ who overcomes and conquers all, the ones who see Him fell to the ground. (3-4) 

    ·  The humble Jesus who suffers, though He is on the throne, but still being persecuted; The abundant Christ fills all in all, the mysterious and the Almighty. Christ rules over all, being called King of kings, Lord of lords. (4-5; Is 42:1-4; Phil 2:9-115; Matt 28:18; 1Tim 6:15; Rev 17:14; 19:16)

  1. Experiences of the truly believed

    ·  Receive the Lord’s enlightenment. Met the Lord, heard His voice, and had deeply known Him. (3-5)

    ·  Received a new mission from Him. Lost interest in the world. (6-9)

    ·  Establish his relation of communion with the Lord through prayer. Be into the Lord through laying hand on and baptism. Have spiritual communion with members of the body. (11,17-19)

    ·  Spread the gospel and witness Him. Progressing in grace and increasing in spiritual strength. Persecuted for the Lord’s sake. (20. 22-25)

Responding Hymn based on 2 Tim 1:12

I know Whom I Have Believed

11/29/2023 Thanksgiving and Asking

Col 1:9-14; 3:16-17; Jude 20-21

  1. Asking for more wisdom to know God better and endure long sufferings joyfully. Pray for us to increase in the knowledge of God. We continually ask God to fill us with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.  (9-10)

    ·  Ask for them to be strengthened with all might and joy. For being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that we may have great endurance and patience, (11)

  1. Thanksgivings for being partakers of the inheritance, for being conveyed into the kingdom, for having redemption. (12-14)

Responding all the above to Paul’s prayer with two reminders: 

    ·  Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in the Lord Jesus’s name, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. (Col 3:16-17)

    ·  God-beloved, by building ourselves up in our most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep ourselves in God’s love as we wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring us to eternal life. (Jude 20-21)

11/25/2023 Keep the Treasure of Faith

2 Tim1:5-14; 3:15

  1. Rely on God to keep the treasure of faith

    ·  I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. Stirring up the gift, the spirit of power, of love, and a sound mind without timidity. (5-7)

  1. The gospel proves that one’s being saved is not by the works of men but by the grace of God. Always according to the power of God. Relying on God who can keep us. Keep the treasure by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. (8-9,12,14)
  2. But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught. But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which can make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. (3:14-16)

Notes: With an attitude of being taught; learn from who, singular: follow Lord Christ Jesus/Apostle Paul. Must pay attention to leading future generations and making sure they know the Holy Scriptures to have salvation wisdom from their childhood, and to have profound and lasting influence in their whole life.

11/24/2023 Set Our Hope on Christ’s Salvation Grace

1 Peter 1:10-13;Heb12:14

  1. The revelation and manifestation of salvation: the prophets and those who have preached the gospel and the angels. (10-12)

    ·  Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care. (10)

    ·  Try to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow. (11)

    ·  It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but us when they spoke of the things that have now been told us by those who have. (12)

  1. The attitudes that we are supposed to have a grateful heart toward salvation: pursue holiness and fear God. (13-17)

 ·  Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set our hope on the grace to be brought to us when Jesus Christ is revealed at His coming. (13)

 ·  Pursue peace with all and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord. (Heb12:14)



2023年12月2日 深知基督我主

徒 9:1-25;10:36;太 28:18;赛 42:1-4;腓 2:9-11;启 17:14;19:16

  1. 保罗去大马士革路上所认识的主

   ·基督升天超越一切; 基督得胜征服一切,见者仆倒。(3-4)

   ·受苦义仆升为至高,仍受逼迫;基督丰满充满万有,奥秘至大; 基督主宰掌管万有,万主之主万王之王。 (4-5)

  1. 真信的经历


  · 从主得新使命,背对世界失兴趣。(6-9)





2023年11月29日 感恩祈求主

西 1:9-14; 3:16-17; 犹 20-21

  1. 求更认识神的智慧能力,喜乐忍耐



  1. 感恩得基业/进神国/蒙救赎(12-14)



2023年11月25日 守住信仰宝藏

提后1:5-14; 3:14-16

  1. 靠神守住信仰宝藏:想到你心里无伪之信,是先在你外祖母罗以和你母亲友尼基心里的,我深信也在你的心里。挑旺恩赐,不胆怯、乃是刚强、仁爱、谨守的灵。(5-7)
  2. 得救不按自己行为,乃按神的恩典。总要按神的能力,信靠神能保守,靠内住的圣灵牢牢守着。 (8-9,12,14)
  3. 但你所学习的,所确信的,要存在心里;因为你知道是跟谁学的。并且知道你是从小明白圣经,这圣经能使你因信基督耶稣,有得救的智慧。(3:14-16)



2023年11月24日 专心盼望基督救恩

彼前1:10-13; 12:14

  1. 救恩的启示与显明:众先知、传福音的人和天使。(10-12)

     ·论到这救恩,那预先说你们要得恩典的众先知,早已详细的寻求考察,就是考察在他们心里基督的灵,预先证明基督受苦难,后来得荣耀,是指着什么时候,并怎样的时候。他们得了启示,知道他们所传讲(原文:服事)的一切事,不是为自己,乃是为我们。那靠着从天上差来的圣灵传福音给我们的人,现在将这些事报给你们;天使也愿意详细察看这些事。 (10-12)

  1. 对救恩我们该存感恩的心,追求圣洁和敬畏神(13-17)



Rejoice in Prayerful Reading · Pieces of Prayerful Reading Notes

Anna Zhou

Daily Renewal in Devotional

Faith legacy is of critical importance. Wish my son would see the prayerful reading notes to know that I wake up with certain symptoms. Christ’s light cleanses and heals me. He surrounds me with songs of deliverance. I am calmed and quieted like a weaned child with her mother, so I am content in peace. My Lord’s grace is sufficient for me every day (Ps 131:2; 2 Cor.12:9).

Shocked in Disappointment

Thinking of the 1991 summer lunch, Peiying was so desperate to spread the gospel and was asking me, “Are you very eager too?” “No,” I replied. I was born into a family of five generations believing Christ, oftentimes we mention the gospel, without desperation. I was shockingly disappointed in myself: woe to me (1 Cor. 9:16)!

Starting Prayerful Reading

I started prayerful reading with notes to equip myself. After some 30 years, are there any changes in me? Originally I did it not to be the blind leading the blind, avoiding the scenario where both shall fall into the ditch (Matt 15:14). Now, I do prayerful reading in the Holy Spirit, for He is proving the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment. I must self re-examine my wrongs inside. Without holiness no one shall see God (John 12:8; Heb 12:14). My Lord will counsel me with His loving eye on me, instruct me as I ask what to do to overcome daily symptoms. My spiritual hunger and thirst are fed, so I share heavenly food with my gospel partners, receiving grace together (Phil 1:7).

No Better Than Other

An opportunity came after preparing for three years. I went to visit my classmate, a cancer patient. Unexpectedly she passed at the surgery that day. Alas, saving a soul is like fighting a fire. When I visited her husband at the hospital bed, I had an illusion that I, the oppressed, might be better than the oppressor in the cultural revolution. Well, soon I suffered from cancer. God does not show favoritism and all have sinned (Ro 2:11;3:24). Jesus said do not suppose those who suffered were sinners above all. No! Except for repentance, we shall all likewise perish. 

Brought Harm to Self

During self-examination, I felt an unsmooth breast lump in medium hardness. The company had a screening mammography but that did not show it. I put a piece of wire to mark it showing a 1.1 cm, which was a 1 mm difference from what I estimated. I had operated on total mastectomy and knew females would die of breast cancer given their poor tumor genes. I went to see the chief surgeon who had collaborated with me in a clinical trial to recommend one to operate on me. Unexpectedly, he boasted his skills worthy of high pay during surgery. I suffered awful pain due to his incomplete local anesthesia. Even more dreadful was the pathological report: both ends of the tumor were left in. The malpractice was worse than implanting two tumor tips in my breast.  My schoolmate sent a pile of research literature showing 30 mice with implants of breast cancer cells, all dying within a year. 100% death with no exception. I had told the surgeon to cut it out thoroughly and paid no attention to cosmetics, but he boasted he made it nice-looking. I was really frightened. The hospital sent me some forms to fill out. But I threw them into the trash can. What good will it be for one to gain the whole world, yet forfeit my life (Matt 16:26)?

Repent and Survived

I knelt to ask God to forgive me. I thought I knew and went to depend on a famous man. Repenting without delay for survival, I would rather give up the compensation. God responded to me. Chief Dr. MJH performed an enlarged mastectomy. The surgeon with malpractice came to apologize, thanking me for not taking legal action against him.  I knew my sin and to survive by repentance was more urgent than anything. I only asked him not to do it on others. The pathological report was terrible. My tumor gene type tested all negative. Two attending physicians previously published long articles on chemo. I pleaded for the Lord’s mercy on me! Top physician Dr.JH, Chief of Harvard cancer project had long talks twice with me and my son Michael. Dr. JH explained his therapy and replied to Michael in detail. I did not care how heavy the chemo would be. My PCP Dr. Jen urged me to act quickly at any cost. Dr. JH said chemo would have no effects, due to the tumor gene testing all negative. Above 95% chemo would fail, The toxicity and side effects did not mean chemo was working. Dr. JH encouraged the two known physicians not to go through chemo, so I avoided the dreadful useless chemo. He promised he himself would be in charge of curing me. Experts asked me how could you find Dr. JH? I thought: though God disciplines, He still earnestly remembers His child. (Jer.31:20)

Disciple with Love

The four-week radiotherapy made me feel cured. I said to Dr. JH that I would like to stop the radiation since I felt cured with no need to go on; it might be overkill. He said OK, no need to come tomorrow. Under God’s mercy, there was a mild winter without a snowstorm. I was diagnosed at the end of Sept., had my first lumpectomy Oct., 2nd enlarged mastectomy Nov., planned and stopped chemo Dec., started radiotherapy Jan., and ended early Feb.  I drove to radiotherapy at 7 AM. and got out to work at 7:30. At night, I got up 2-3 times for a cold water shower on the skin and applied ointment to reduce skin sensitivity, and fell asleep without hypertension. My PCP Dr. Jen said you need the cancer to normalize the elevated blood pressure for nearly two decades. Again I told Dr. JH that I had been using the anti-histamine receptor alpha blocker to reduce the side effects of the radiotherapy. He thought for a moment and said, “It makes sense; I am going to bring this application worldwide.” By the next year, I noticed in both the US and China, the product insert has listed as one of its indications: reduce the side effects of radiotherapy. On the day of ending radiotherapy, my boss Dr. B Bluestein went out of his office and shouted, “You successfully resolved the major issue of our company’s biggest screening test. I am impressed!” And, I was promoted, and was shown the journal which reported the drug had taken over 50% of the US market share a year after its release. Oh, God’s grace!

Advance or Retreat: Obey Orders

At one time, I was invited to a coworker’s meeting in Sharon. I got one foot in the car, but withdrew immediately. I was reminded to read the Bible. I knelt down to ask, which passage? I followed the reminder to read five verses (Phil 2:1-5) and then drove to David Zhang’s house. He heard me explain why I was ten minutes late and said let us read the same passage twice. After reading it, he said to his wife Yanzhi no need to join the meeting to present any arguments.  He directed us to the next agenda: the group financial regulations discussion drafted by Brother Yu, and handed it to me to edit in a succinct form. This dismissed the accumulated 12 hr complaints and worries like clouds blown away.  What a relief. Thanks to God who knew and dealt with it. Yes. In our relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus (Phil 2:5).

Self-Reflecting on Conviction

Since eight years ago, I suffered from multiple illnesses and lost body weight with severe memory loss. Yet, I love my son. I was eager to read the Bible to him: God disciplines the one he loves (Heb 12:1-13). After I explained the scripture, he said, “Mom, you omitted one of the three points.” I was embarrassed but surprised at his getting the gist. I thought I knew something, but I did not yet know what I ought to know (1 Cor. 8:2). After thinking it over for a while, I wrote a letter to my son to apologize. Reading the Bible should be for changing my inner old person. But I went to read scripture to him, not to myself. It implied being judgmental to teach him so I was in the wrong mindset.  His daddy said this letter of yours was not bad at all. I felt my Father in Heaven patting on my shoulder: good girl! Severe diseases were stabilizing; I had peace in tribulation. God is pleased when a child returns to Him (John 16:33; Luke 15:6,24).

Indeed Beloved

Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you (Eph 5:14). This verse was reminded in prayer for my son. Now Christ’s light is shining on me before dawn to receive His love full of joy. He leads me to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, to draw water from the wells of salvation with joy (Ps 23:4; Is 12:3). Practicing daily to listen to Him, obeying the Holy Spirit to deal with sins and cleanse thoughts. Repenting to rebirth non-stop, pressing on to the mark of Christ. The most impressive book wasThe Pilgrim’s Progress”. I could not forget that so many fell off at the door of entering the heavenly kingdom. How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation (Heb 2:3)? Deeply believing in the effects of the Lord’s blood shed on the Cross, and the reviving power of the Holy Spirit. Be on guard as a watchman, exhorting one another daily (Heb 3:13). The Holy Spirit pours out God’s love into our hearts to have a heart of sympathy and empathy (Ro 5:5). Say a prayer as the tax collector.  Lord, have mercy on me and forgive me. I am a sinner (Luke 18:13). By faith in Christ, I am counted as the righteous and held in God’s bosom. Even with my old age and gray hairs, because He made me, and carries me; He will sustain and rescue me (Is46:4). Lord, I need every hour. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

Abide With Me

What but your grace can foil the tempter’s power? 

Who like yourself my guide and strength can be? 

Through cloud and sunshine, O Lord abide with me.

Notes: Praising Hymn: Abide With Me. Henry Francis (1793 – 1847)