All posts by Jian Shao

Investing in the Future: Why We Must Prioritize Youth Ministry

Lilian Wang 

“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

The sound of laughter and voices float up as you walk down the stairs to the basement. When you turn the corner, you see a group of teens rambunctiously playing four square and small groups of kids standing off to the sides, chatting or playing on their phones. The worship team is finishing up their practice and sound check. Counselors are milling around, catching up with students about how their week has been. While most students are of Chinese heritage, you can see there is a diversity of age, style, and personality. There is a table of snacks on the side, with opened bags of chips spilling onto the table and a fruit platter barely touched. The atmosphere is warm, welcoming, and vibrant.

This is the CBCGB ALIVE Youth Ministry. This year, we will meet from 7:00-9:00 pm in the basement of the church. We offer programming that includes games, worship, and small group Bible study for grades 6th-12th. We average about 80-100 students every Friday night, 15-20 students in middle school Sunday School, and 15-20 students in high school Sunday School. Our Sunday School teachers work hard to teach biblical curriculum in a way that is fun and engaging. Our dedicated counselors sacrifice every Friday evening to mentor and disciple our youth as their older brothers and sisters in Christ. Many of these relationships go far beyond Friday nights, since the youth will often text and call their counselors throughout the week and stay in touch even after graduating high school. Youth Ministry has been a core ministry of our church, providing a space for the younger generation to learn about God, study Scripture, and build lasting genuine relationships with one another.

I myself grew up in CBCGB’s youth program. It was there that I heard the gospel, saw it lived out through the lives of others, and eventually accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior. I then stayed in the Boston area for college and attended CBCGB’s then-thriving Intercollegiate Fellowship (ICF), which now no longer exists. After I graduated, I got a job nearby and decided to stay at CBCGB because I felt called to return and serve as a youth counselor. It was a full circle, coming back to serve alongside the same men and women who had been so instrumental in my own faith journey. I now attend Cross Bridge service and serve as a Friday night counselor, while also advocating for the Youth Ministry as the Youth Deacon on the Church Council. As you can see, I have been at CBCGB for many years and have seen firsthand how our Youth Ministry is a powerful and essential part of the growth of our church.

Yet I have also seen firsthand how the Youth Ministry is not prioritized and our youth staff’s concerns are often not taken seriously, all the while as they quietly burn out. We are relegated to the basement and have met in leftover spaces scattered across the campus, such as the coat room and the stairwell. We struggle to recruit new coworkers who can connect relationally with the youth because the pool of college/young adults from which we draw volunteers from has dwindled significantly. There have been several leadership transitions over the last few years and we currently do not have a youth pastor. There are a variety of reasons for this turnover, such as lack of competitive pay for a Boston cost of living and a culture where our younger staff’s opinions and voices are not as valued. Despite these challenges, Youth Ministry coworkers continue to show up for our students. We continue to advocate for their needs, whether that is providing mental health support, seeking education on cross-cultural parenting, or tackling the unhealthy culture of prioritizing academic excellence above all else. These coworkers are the backbone of our Youth Ministry and as such, pillars of our church community.

Our youth are the future. We must invest our time, energy, and resources into this next generation if we desire a strong future for our church. Young people are leaving the church at an alarming rate. This trend is true nationwide, as well as within the Chinese heritage church. While there are a variety of reasons why, the biggest one in my opinion is that young people feel that the church is not responding to changing needs or listening to younger voices. This has led to a lack of trust in leadership and a sense that the church is “out of touch”. The youth want to see the church living out the gospel in justice work. They want to see their parents’ lives transformed by the gospel not just on Sunday mornings, but in the home as well. They want to discuss controversial topics and ask hard questions instead of avoiding the discomfort. They seek vulnerability and authenticity, and are turned off by the facade of righteousness. The work being done in the Youth Ministry each week is to create a safe space for the difficult yet necessary exploration of faith. We hope to walk with our youth in the messy but beautiful process of recognizing their need for Jesus. We desire for them to have a faith that develops in high school, flourishes through college, and sustains them far beyond.

I urge our church leaders, our congregation members, and our families to recognize the need to prioritize our Youth Ministry. If we do not take action to respond to their needs, then one day there will be no more next generation. I believe our church loves and cares for our young people. I believe we want to see a revival in this new generation. We want their voices to be heard. We want to empower them. So let us come together to lift up this next generation by prioritizing the very space where this important work happens – our Youth Ministry.









Gospel Impact with Connections

-2024 TMT Testimony

Christabel Chiu

My recent short-term mission trip to ErShui, Taiwan, was an unforgettable experience filled with joy, learning, and meaningful connections. Our mission was to teach English to middle school children, but it quickly became so much more than that.

From the moment we arrived, we were welcomed with open arms by the students and the community. Each day, we engaged with the children through interactive lessons that were not only educational but also fun. We played games, sang songs, and used creative activities to make learning English enjoyable. Our goal was to tie our lessons to the gospel in some way, sharing stories and values that resonated with the children and helped them see the beauty of faith in everyday life.

Building connections was at the heart of our mission. We spent time listening to the children’s stories, learning about their dreams, and understanding their challenges. These conversations were incredibly enriching and allowed us to form genuine bonds with the students. It was heartwarming to see their faces light up when they grasped a new concept or shared a personal story with us.

The highlight of our trip was the end-of-the-week party. It was a celebration of all the hard work and fun we had throughout the week. We worshiped together, danced, played games, and simply enjoyed each other’s company. The joy and laughter that filled the room were a testament to the strong connections we had built. It was a beautiful reminder of the power of community and faith.

This mission trip to ErShui was a profound experience that taught me the importance of connection, compassion, and sharing the gospel in a way that is both meaningful and fun. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of this journey and to have made a positive impact on the lives of the ErShui middle schoolers.




今年7月5日至15日,由來自CBCGB教會和CBCGL(Lowell)教會的36位短宣隊員(其中CBCGB28人,CBCGL8人)組成的台灣短宣隊(Taiwan Mission Team,TMT),受教會的差派,從波士頓出發,以“波士頓青年訪學團”的名義到台灣彰化縣二水鄉國立中學進行了爲期10天的英語教學與交流。與去年的TMT短宣隊不同的是,這一次的短宣人數增加很多,目的地也由嘉義東石鄉變爲彰化縣二水鄉國中。




  1. 生命好嚮導(詩篇23篇)
  2. 有序的宇宙;寶貴的你和我(詩篇第8篇)
  3. 心田好土(路加福音第8章)
  4. 做正確的選擇;用愛來原諒(路加福音15章)
  5. 成爲一個好鄰居(路加福音10章)




到二水國中的第一天是週六,我們在和二水教會和人倫教會的弟兄姐妹、青少年一起午餐之後,乘坐大巴車回校園的途中,一路上看到很多的廟宇⸺佛寺、孔廟、媽祖等等數不勝數,另外還有很多的檳榔店。這告訴我們本地有很多人相信鬼神,但是因爲還不認識真神而去拜鬼(哥林多前書10:20 “我乃是說,外邦人所獻的祭是祭鬼,不是祭神。”)台灣是福音的一個很大的禾場。






7月7日的主日,我們去參加了人倫教會的主日崇拜。人倫教會是台灣原住民⸺布農族一所建於高山上的教會。在聽說了台灣的原住民因爲接受早期宣教士的傳播,有着較高的基督徒比例( 70%以上)之後,我們不禁感恩。布農族有一個著名的八部和音的傳統唱法,雖然我們沒有機會聽到,但是人倫教會敬拜的優美曲調給我們留下了深刻印象。短宣隊員們也在崇拜中獻詩⸺“我要向高山舉目”。























  • 同文化宣教(Homogeneous Mission,M1)是指在與宣教士自身文化相同或非常相似的文化背景中進行福音傳播。因此,宣教士在這類宣教環境中不需要進行太多的文化適應,傳講福音相對容易(徒2:9-11)。
  • 近文化宣教(Near-Culture Mission,M2)是指在與宣教士文化有一定相似性,但仍存在文化差異的背景下進行福音傳播。這需要宣教士進行一定程度的文化適應,但不會像跨文化宣教那樣困難。在這類宣教中,宣教士仍然能夠利用一些相似的文化基礎來建立福音的橋樑(徒8:5)。
  • 跨文化宣教(Cross-Cultural Mission,M3)是指在與宣教士自身文化有顯著差異的文化背景中進行福音傳播。這需要宣教士花費大量時間來學習當地的語言、社會習俗、價值觀和宗教背景,才能夠有效地傳講福音。這是最具挑戰性的宣教形式,也是對宣教士要求最高的一種宣教模式(徒10:24-48)。





此外,我們也可從近代教會歷史來檢視靈性復興與普世宣教的關聯。自1517宗教改革後,更正教教會脫離中世紀天主教教會腐敗,此時的靈性復興運動強調回歸聖經的權威、堅守因信稱義和全民祭司。宗教改革更新歐洲教會的信仰,為後來的全球普世宣教奠定了穩固的神學基礎。隨著基督教在歐洲的穩定和發展,更正教教會開始逐漸投入跨文化的宣教工作。18世紀的大覺醒(Great Awakening)不僅遏制了啟蒙運動理性主義對基督信仰的衝擊,也促使美國與英國教會的復興推動了宣教浪潮,特別是對未得之民(如印第安人的宣教)也影響了美國的獨立革命;19世紀被稱為“宣教的偉大世紀”。在這一時期,福音被廣傳到世界各地。威廉克理(William Carey)被譽為“現代宣教之父”,他在印度開啟了現代跨文化宣教的序幕。在印度宣教的41年,他將聖經翻譯為44種文字。他強調“要期待神做大事並要為神做大事”。他的宣教事工體現了跨文化宣教的挑戰及信心和奉獻的重要性​;20、21世紀福音派與靈恩派教會致力於將福音廣傳至未得之民。福音派強調聖經的權威、信仰對生命的轉變、社會關懷、“福音的本土化”及、“文化基督化”,而靈恩派則強調聖靈的能力和神蹟奇事,看重全人醫治與發展,特別在第三世界國家和弱勢群體中興起宣教工作,也成為普世宣教的重要力量。

















表格一 有關屬靈生活的比喻

禱告屬靈的呼吸弗6:18 靠著聖靈,隨時多方禱告祈求,並要在此儆醒不倦,為眾聖徒祈求,
讀經吃生命的糧約6:63 叫人活著的乃是靈,肉體是無益的。我對你們所說的話,就是靈,就是生命
聚會與行道屬靈的運動提前4:8 操練身體,益處還少。惟獨敬虔,凡事都有益處。因有今生和來生的應許。

表格二 新約聖經中有關大使命的記載




Spiritual Formation and Short-Term Mission Testimony: Kyrgyzstan (Cross-Cultural)

Nancy Yen Cintolo


My name is Nancy Cintolo (Chinese name: Yen Meili). I was born in Taiwan and moved to the United States when I was in high school. The Lord met me during my freshman year of college. Jesus is the living God. His words changed my life forever. 44 years ago, I was baptized in this church. Later, through short-term and long-term missions, the Lord gave me the opportunity to understand the needs of the gospel in Far East, Asia, Central Asia, and Africa.

The Cry of Central Asia and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit

My family and I went on vacation to Xinjiang, China, in 1999, and found that there were Kyrgyz, Uyghur and other ethnic groups there. At that time, I didn’t understand the cultural traditions of these ethnic groups, as well as Islam, people who believe in Islam, mosques and the food they ate (mutton and horse meat). We even stayed in a non-Chinese hotel to experience a different culture. Our visit also brought a different culture to the local ethnic groups, attracting the attention of many local people.

The local society is male-dominated. Women are second-class citizens, and dirty children who seem to have been forgotten can be seen everywhere. Our tour guide, a Han lady, relayed the story of her best friend: She was a Muslim who was unable to continue her education after graduating from primary school and was forced to stay at home to prepare for marriage. The fate of this Muslim girl broke my heart. I was shocked that this tradition still exists in modern times at the end of the 20th century! At that time, all I knew was to pray to God to save the suffering people of Central Asia, most of whom were Muslims and needed the Lord! I prayed fervently to God: “If God would send me, I would serve the Muslim communities in that region or around the world and help them know God’s love.”

New life shaped by Spiritual formation

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17), gradually becoming more like the Lord Jesus Christ(refer to Romans 6:4). God’s love inspires believers to determine to follow Jesus. Our hearts are willing to live for the Lord, to walk with the Lord throughout our life and be an “overcomer” when we meet the Lord. This can only be achieved by the grace of the Lord and the power of the Holy Spirit. We need to have a spiritual perspective on life and service. Following God’s will, whether in life or service, we must think about how to connect what we do, who we are, and eternity. Take action, learn and develop throughout our life, perfect to maturity and perfection. We must ask the most critical question:”What really ‘matters’ in life?”

We need to know why God created us, because God has His perfectly good plans for us, and we have a responsibility to fulfill them. We also need to have an open heart towards God and be ready to meet Him face to face at any time. Because we know God, experience grace, and gain freedom, we will not be distracted and avoid temptations and traps. When we encounter difficulties and setbacks, we will not be discouraged and finish the race with perseverance.

Spiritual discipline is reliance on the Holy Spirit and daily exercise. In addition to emphasizing Christian devotional life (Bible reading, prayer), we must also pay attention to glorifying God by practicing silence, contemplation, pursuing holiness, participating in social justice, and living out love.

Why Reach out to Muslims?

God gave me a purpose, but I didn’t know how to serve Muslims. I have been praying and thinking for many years: Are Muslims of many ethnic groups the same? Will China’s construction of the “Belt and Road” spanning Central Asia, the Middle East and Europe help bring the gospel back to Jerusalem? How do I fit into the big picture? I don’t know anyone in the area, how do I get there? 

God first helped me understand “Why should we reach out to Muslims?”

• Will God always be in control of the restoration of the kingdom of God, just like God is in control of Israel? (refer to Isaiah 49:12) Whether I decide to join or not, God will raise up others to take the gospel to the Muslim community.

• The gospel of Jesus Christ led many Muslims to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. Today, the Muslim countries of Iran and Afghanistan have the fastest growing number of Christians. After these Muslims turned to the Lord Jesus, their lives underwent a huge transformation.

• Praise the Lord! He has given me new perspectives and new challenges to participate in His Great Commission. Jesus Christ said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you, and I will always be with you until the end of the world” (Matthew 28:19-20).

Which Mission Field is God Calling Me to be?

From 2010 to 2024, God led me several times across the Tianshan border to Kyrgyzstan, allowing me to understand the needs of the people there and why He was training me for His good purposes as a long-term missionary in China for 8 years.

What Can I Do Serving the Needy in Central Asia?

Before retiring, I was a financial professional and worked as a corporate and national financial director in China for 7 years. I helped Philips Medical and Liva Nova Medical invest, design, plan and execute the construction of two large-scale medical manufacturing plants and R&D centers in Suzhou, China. Therefore, I know I can use my business and financial management expertise to help Christian businessmen and entrepreneurs establish Kingdom businesses in Central Asia. Business missions and workplace vocational missions are God’s will. God wants to raise up Christian businessmen and entrepreneurs to be kingdom people and run their businesses with the concept of kingdom enterprises. Christian businessmen are God’s missionaries in both marketplace and workplace. In the workplace, they can contact people every day that full-time pastors cannot.

Kingdom Business/Business as Mission (BAM)

What is a Kingdom Business? It is an enterprise that is explicitly, consciously, clearly and intentionally intended to establish the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in the world. If we commit to running our company or business operations according to the teachings of Jesus, we must commit to connecting our company to the Great Commission! It starts locally and extends developing internationally of making disciples of all nations according to the command of Jesus Christ: “Teach all people – follow me.” (refer to Matthew 28:18-20).

Kingdom Business is vocational. God has given us His Great Commission, and Jesus Christ rules over all things, including churches, businesses and commerce, families, governments, and all life (refer to Colossians 1:16-20). Christian businessmen are all called, sanctified to God, and are ambassadors of Jesus Christ. They should behave in a manner worthy of the calling (refer to Ephesians 4:1).

Kingdom Business is purposeful. It has a very clear purpose: this business is not our own, but God’s, and He wants us to fulfill the purpose for which He established this business, because Christian businessmen are all created in Christ to do good, prepared by God Let us do it (refer to Ephesians 2:10).

Kingdom Business is relational. God has specially blessed us with relationships with many people. These are relationships we can’t get anywhere else. There are many unreached peoples among them. God wants us to value these relationships and share the gospel of the Lord with these unreached peoples. 

Kingdom Business is operational. The way we run our business shall reflect God’s kingdom culture. We are called to run our businesses with excellence, giving the best to God for the glory of His name. Therefore, create outstanding companies and quality business management that embody the culture of the Kingdom of God. Integrity, efficiency, financial honesty and transparency, active management, cutting-edge technology, high-quality personnel, etc.

What Mission Works have been done in Central Asia?

In 2018, along with a group of Christian friends, I went on a “vision trip” and listened to the sharing of many local Christians and missionaries. We learned a lot, especially the Mercy Charitable Christian Foundation (MCCF), which Elder Yang has been working on for 25 years with “education as his mission” after retiring at the age of 65. MCCF is the only school that has received an “irrevocable Christian education license” from the country’s government. Other business missionaries such as Korean doctors and dentists have established multiple medical centers in Kyrgyzstan. North American businessmen have developed socio-economic opportunities through different business opportunities and helped local pastors train disciples in that area.

How did the Lord Open the Door for me in Kyrgyzstan? BAM

Kyrgyzstan lacks many resources. Parents did not pay much attention to the education of their children until children go to elementary school. In order to reverse the socio-economic situation of the country, in 2019 we plan to use the “Montessori Education Method” to introduce and share the love of God with children. This was supported by the local education department. Although we did not speak Russian or Kyrgyz, God led Maria and I to have a vision for Montessori teaching together in June 2019, and to further collaborate. At that time, there was no Montessori School (MS) in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. Maria is a Muslim Born-Again Christian, and so is her husband. She is an expert in Montessori education/teaching. She established a Montessori school full of the love of Christ. She hopes to make it affordable for all children and train more Montessori teachers in Kyrgyzstan. God has truly answered our prayers and His call to us. Now, through early childhood education combined with the gospel, we are working with them and 3 other couples to start our first business mission project in Bishkek. Work to build Montessori educational institutions, through which more and more Muslim parents come to know Jesus Christ, the living God. Our long-term goal is to expand this education to other towns, but we need to find more co-workers like Maria and her husband, people with high integrity and passion.

The Results of Business as Mission in Central Asia

It is normal for local people to leave their hometown and country to find work in other places to support their families. They struggle to survive and long for change in their country, but none of them know where to start. They lacked knowledge and resources, and they lacked the gospel too. God raised up many Christians to work with local believers to provide discipleship work and resources to help them function competently in Islamic society, thereby enabling the Kingdom of God to spread throughout Central Asia. Many missionaries have committed themselves to this business mission work and have long-term assisted local people in establishing sustainable Kingdom-of-God businesses in their own countries, fulfilling the great mission of “making all nations disciples of the Lord.” Kingdom Business earns the respect of local government and communities. Not only does it have the funds to carry out needed Christian service projects, but it also creates many jobs and boosts the local economy. Compared with the traditional missionary model, the locals perceived that pastor lived a comfortable life, coming and going, having fun, and talking to people. They did not need to perform hard labor work and yet easily receive money from American or Western believers. This misconception gives a bad reputation and testimonials of Christian life.

Investing in Young Eager Believers

I spent a lot of time in Central Asia helping many young people who were new to Christ pursue their dreams of sharing the gospel with unreached peoples. They don’t know how to make and implement plans. Drawing on my past professional experience, I guide them in conducting feasibility studies, market surveys, market analysis, and formulating business and financial plans, and guide them in obtaining financial loans so they can establish their own small businesses. I also teach them to document their business operating policies and procedures and supervise their business management. I visit them once or twice a year and meet with them on Zoom to follow up on any business issues. I also assist them in fulfilling God’s calling for them when they preach the gospel to the unreached.

Spiritual Formation – Our life and services reflect the Glory of God

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.” (refer to Luke 10:2) This is the call of Jesus Christ. Cultivating leaders for the kingdom of God today is an important challenge for Business as Mission. First there are leaders, and only then can there be godly groups and outstanding enterprises.

A leader’s life journey can be divided into five stages:

• The first stage: In the early days, God cultivated our character through home school, and we responded positively to God.

• The second stage: We study the Bible, meditate on God’s words, learn to pray and listen to the Lord’s words, and practice obedience to the Lord’s words, the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Then, God tests us more deeply and gives us lessons. After we learn and pass them, we can take on greater responsibilities and expand our service.

• The third stage: Use our gifts in service and build relationships in the kingdom of God. In order for God to work in our lives, our focus is not on the promotion of ministry nor on bearing more fruits, but put Christ in the center of our life. Only then we can have Godly desired service in the kingdom of God. 

• The fourth stage: Life moves towards maturity. At this moment, our “communion with God” becomes a more important discipline than the success of our ministry. After passing the test of isolation, crisis and conflict, the effectiveness of his ministry will be greatly improved.

• The fifth stage: God will lead us to a service position that matches our roles, gifts, and experiences. God will also prepare spiritual mentors to guide us.

Finally, the fruits of a lifetime of service and growth have reached their peak, blessing and benefiting many people, and allowing their service lives and who they truly are to reflect the glory of God.

Get Involved – why it is so important to invest in CA now

I have been in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, for the past five years. The country was not known as an “Islamic” country. In recent years, people in Central Asia have been hungry for God’s love because most children grew up without a father in their lives. Several developed Muslim countries are actively influencing the region through their economic system and education, and are actively building “mosques”. Patriarchal families severely persecute Christian family members. New believers long for freedom in Christ and the support and cultivation of the Christian community. We are foreign Christians who can freely share the faith of Jesus Christ and the love of God with the locals, support and encourage these vulnerable MBBs (Muslim Background Believers), so that they can continue to firmly believe in and follow Jesus Christ, and our biggest threat is just to be sent back Home. Therefore, the field of Central Asia is ripe now. People are hungry and thirsty for God’s love. It is the time for us to actively cooperate with local Christians, share the good news of the gospel of Jesus, and sow the seeds of the gospel, especially to preach the gospel to young children, teenagers, and adults (20-29 years old) who are willing to accept the gospel and help them seek truth, be shaped by the Lord, and learn.

After we had been working with Maria and her husband for four years, they invited us to work together to organize an English summer camp for children in the Muslim community, so that local Muslim children could feel the love of God in Tengir Church. We pray that these parents will step into the church of Christ Jesus and trust in the Lord. This year’s summer camp was filled with the presence of God and the experience of God’s power in prayer through courses such as Bible stories, medical knowledge, iCrobot, and artworks: Many children were moved to call on God to help their broken families and declare Jesus Christ as their superhero, with the hope to know more about Jesus Christ.

How to Pray for Central Asia

• When the heads of households can believe in the Lord, they lead their family members to believe in the Lord.

• Pray that God will bless believers with unity and unity in the will of the Lord.

• The minority Christians in the villages are suffering severe persecution. Please pray to the Lord Jesus Christ to grant wisdom, strength, courage and perseverance to the new believers.

• Break legalism and tradition – Ask God to give church leaders and disciples the strength so that they do not have to worry about what other brothers and sisters will think, but only ask God to give the church His word, preserve the unique culture of the ethnic group, and bear witness to the gospel.

• Ask Jehovah to give them dreams, visions, and signs to open the door to the gospel in Central Asia.

• Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to clarify to the Central Asian countries: There is only one truth in the world – Jesus Christ.

• Pray that God will help the local believers to simply trust Him, know Him, and settle down there instead of pursuing Western money and culture. Pray that the Lord will enable them to live in their own mother tongue and race, trust in and bear witness to Christ.

• Pray that the Lord will revive the spirituality of those who believe in the Lord in the 1990s and zealously preach the gospel.


As we respond to the “Macedonian cry” in Central Asia, we will experience personal spiritual renewal and the promise of the Lord’s presence. “And surely I am with you always” (refer to Matthew 28:20). Just imagine what will happen to the Lord’s gospel work when you dedicate your gifts to the Lord? If you haven’t heard clearly from the Lord about His Great Commission and where He wants you to serve Him, pray and ask the Lord of the harvest and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and prepare to fulfill God’s work in your life set plans and goals.





我是嚴美莉(Nancy Cintolo),出生於台灣,高中時移居美國。我在大一時信主,並認識主耶穌是永生的神。神的話改變了我的生命,於44年前我在本教會受洗。自此,主藉著短宣和長宣,使我有機會認識了遠東、亞洲、中亞和非洲在福音上的需要。
















退休前,我是一名財務專業人士,在中國擔任企業和國家財務總監7年。我幫助飛利浦醫療和Liva Nova Medical公司在中國蘇州投資、設計、規劃和執行建造兩家大型醫療製造工廠和研發中心。因此,我運用我的業務和財務管理專業,幫助基督徒的商人和企業家在中亞建立神的國度企業或營商宣教的業務。企業與職場宣教都是神的心意,神要興起基督徒的商人和企業家成為神的國度人才,以神的國度之企業的觀念來經營事業。基督徒商人是神的商場及職場的宣教士。在職場上,他們每天可接觸專職牧者所不能接觸的人,進入人們的生活、生命中。


什麽是國度企業(Kingdom Business)?它是一個明確地、有意識地、清楚地和有意圖的要在世上建立耶穌基督的國度的企業。藉著結合企業與主耶穌基督的大使命,從本地開始,也發展到國際,照耶穌基督的吩咐:“教導所有人——來跟從我。”(參見太28:18-20),是使萬民做主的門徒的事工。














當地的人們離開自己家鄉和國家,尋找異地的工作,藉此養家,這已是常態。他們為了生存而奮鬥,渴望自己的國家改變,但他們都不知道從哪裡開始。他們缺乏知識和資源,也缺乏福音。神興起許多基督徒與當地的信徒一起工作,進行門徒訓練的工作和資源,幫助他們在伊斯蘭的社會中有能力工作,藉此使神的王國能夠傳播到整個中亞。許多宣教士委身此營商宣教,長期協助當地人在自己的國家建立可永續經營的神的國度的企業,完成“使萬民成為主的門徒”的大使命。Kingdom Business贏得當地政府和社區的尊重。它不僅有資金開展所需的基督教服務項目,而且還創造了許多就業機會,並促進了當地經濟。對比於傳統宣教士的模式,使當地人誤認:牧師過著安逸的生活,來來去去、玩樂、與人交談,不需要辛苦勞作,只需從美國或西方信徒那裡輕鬆領受金錢,他們有了不好的聲譽和見證。





一位領袖的生命成長線(life journey)可以分為六個階段:
















•懇求主耶穌基督向中亞國家闡明:世上只存在一個真理- 就是耶穌基督。









吉國位于中亞,東臨中國,是4000年遊牧民族不斷征戰形成的國家。是前蘇聯國家之一。目前宣稱是一個多民族,宗教自由的共和國。國土很小,人口約六百九十萬,經濟以畜牧業為主。GDP 115億,是一個較貧窮的國家。90%以上人口信奉伊斯蘭教,基督徒只占0.7%。























My Confession of Faith to Future Generations 

Anna M. Zhou 

As my loved ones are often in my meditation, I would like to take this chance to leave my confession of faith to future generations. 

To know Christ and His Cross is the most precious thing in life, to share intimacy with my God, to delight in the Lord and to listen carefully to His Spirit illuminating the Scriptures. Prayerfully reading the Scripture have enabled me to prevail against nightly medical episodes, and His mercy has preserved my life to this day. 

The Lord said, “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” (Ex. 33:19) We are God’s children who are greatly beloved. (I John 3:1) Praise and thank God for all His grace, for forgiving our sins, and for healing our diseases. (Ps. 103:4-5) Do not conform to the manners of this world, but be transformed by renewing our mind to pleasing God. (Ro. 12:2) Don’t we know that we ourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in us? (1Cor. 3:16) Friendship with the world means enmity against God. (James 4:4) We cannot have two masters by serving both God and money (materialism); nor should we idolize humans. (Matt. 6:24) But godliness with contentment is great gain. (I Tim. 6:6) Live in peace and joy in Him. Jesus said, “The words I have spoken to you, they are full of the Spirit and life.” (John 6:63) 

Love the Lord and Glorify God, Refuse to Idolize Humans 

Some 38 years ago, someone said my faith was muddled, and that I did not understand God’s will. I was furious, for I thought I knew my own faith as a believer from childhood. However, when I calmed down and kept asking God, I knew that Lord’s greatest commandments—to love God and my neighbor—is easier said than done. It can only be achieved by being truthful and by humbling oneself, through reading the Scripture daily in prayer and through pondering Lord’s Word. Love the Lord and glorify God alone, refrain from idolizing other human beings or subscribing to online fast food culture. Listen to the Lord Jesus, who said: “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matt 26:14)

Wishes and Blessings 

My wish is that you will know the hymn: “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so…… I am weak but He is strong!” This hymn helped me prevail through numerous trials. My wish is that you will learn to recite Psalms 1, 16, 23, and 121. I give you these blessings like your great grandma, Dr. Esther Li, who was invited to give a prayerful speech by Presidents Reagan and Bush, and who blessed your father with the following words: Your cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. (Ps. 23:5b-6) Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure. (Ps. 16:5-7) The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. (Ps. 23:1, 3-4) I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. (Ps. 121:1-2)


·         Love your God with all you heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. (Luke 10:27)

·         A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. (Luke 6:45)

·Jesus replied: Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written: These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules. (Mark 7:6-7) 


The following is the secret of following the Lord throughout my life: reading the Bible every day and renewing my daily life.  I just choose five of my daily devotional records to share with my descendants.

20240830 Boast except in Christ’s Cross, Don’t Lift a Man High

      Matt 16:21-23; 4:8-10; 1Cor 2:2; Gal 6:14

  1 From then on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, be killed, and raised the third day. 21

  2 Peter began to rebuke him: Never, Lord! This shall never happen to you! Jesus turned and said to Peter: Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns. 22-23


    ·Peter just acknowledged:the Lord is Christ, but rejected God’s will for not knowing the Cross, rejecting it, being afraid of sufferings as Satan’s instrument.  Having in mind not God’s concern but only human concerns, steal the worship that God deserves, the Lord rebukes: Satan, get behind me! 16, 22; Matt 4:8-10

·Christ came to the world to accomplish the salvation on the Cross. We determined not to know anything among us except Jesus Christ and His crucifixion. Boast except in Christ’s cross, don’t lift a man high. 1 Cor. 2:2; Gal 6:14

  (Reading the Bible in one year: Ezekiel 10-12)

20240823 Listen to God

Isaiah 50:4-5; Heb 5:8-9

  The Sovereign LORD has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to hear as the learned. The Sovereign LORD has opened my ears; I have not been rebellious, I have not turned away. 4-5


  ·Song of the Righteous Servant, enlightenment:

The Lord gave me the well-instructed tongue, the Lord himself calling me to be His servant, humbled and learned to obey. A well-instructed tongue made me to know the Word to sustain the weary, soft and considerate and merciful.  The Lord wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to hear, enable to listen and being taught, focusing the whole truth precisely. 4

The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears; my ears to hear as the learned, I have not been rebellious and not turned away. 5

  ·Son though He was, He learned obedience from what He suffered. And, once made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him. Heb 5:8-9

    (Reading the Bible in one year: Jeremiah 49-50) 

20240822 Commit to Obey God 

     Daniel 1:1-20

1The king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and took captivity of the Jews elite. Daniel and three companions were selected into the king’s palace to be trained in Chaldeans culture. 1-7

2 Daniel and his friends kept taking clean food, refusing king’s food and wine defiled by idol sacrifice. At the end of three years, they were appreciated by the king. 8-16


   ·They were tempted in three aspects: standing by the king in his palace; receiving the king’s food and wine; entering pagan society. 5-7

   ·Daniel set an example: Determined to keep faith, not to be defiled by pagan food; gentle and polite, had favor and mercy in king’s sight. 8-9

·Clear minded, analyze things to make sense, easily accepted by others, God gave him wisdom, understanding and knowledge, and succeeded in literature career.  Talking and responding appropriately in the king’s favor, healthy with longevity,he continued in use even unto the first year king Cyrus. 12-21

Dear Lord, lead me daily read the Scripture in prayer and commit to obey my Lord.

      (Reading the Bible in one year: Jeremiah 46-48)

20240821Prervailing Prayer (Ro 12:12)

Rejoicing in hope, enduring in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;

   1Continuing steadfastly: be earnestly persevere, constantly diligent; spiritual breath, open heart to heart.

   2Rejoicing in hope: Believers’ hope never come to nothing, the Spirit pours out joy, and His will be done. Ro 5:5; 8:16-26; 1Pet. 1:3-9

   3Eduring in tribulation: Enduring in hoping victory, for tribulation is unavoidable, but Christ has overcome. Jn 16:33

  4Continuing steadfastly in prayer: praying whether or not in tribulation, keeping in fellowship with God at any time.  Luke 18:1


   ·God regards our prayer as more important than our works. The tax collector repent rather than that man (boating self-righteous Pharisee), went home justified before God. Desperately ask like the widow. Rejoice always, pray unceasingly, giving thanks in all circumstances.  Ask and listen to God, not with wrong motives. Luke 18:14; 1Thess. 5:16-18

   ·Focusing on Christ alone, remove idols without worshipping men. Confess sins to one another and pray for one another. No babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness. Matt 6:7, 33; James 5:16

     (Reading the Bible in one year: Jeremiah 41-45)

20240820 The Necessary Experience of Our Prayer

  Eph 3:14-21

Our prayer should have wonderful experience

  1 Our inner person be strengthened with might. 14-16

  2 Let Christ dwell in our hearts, so rooted and grounded in Love, enabling us to comprehend Christ’s the surpassing Love immeasurable in length, width, height, and depth.17-18

  3 Let the love of Christ pour out into our heats, and be filled with the fullness of God. 19; Ro 5:5

  4 Let God’s power work in us, knowing the church is Christ’s body of God’s glory. 20-21


    Lord, remove obstacles to prayer. His hands scared on the Cross stretched wide-open to hold those who return to pray Him. God paid attention and heard them, in the book of remembrance written before him of those who feared the Lord and esteemed His name. The Spirit knows God’s mind helps us in our weakness not knowing what ought to pray for, the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans, leading us boldly to God’s throne of grace, for us to receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Mal 3:16; Ro 8:26; Heb 4:16

         (Reading the Bible in one year: Jer 37-40)

20240819 The Spirit Helps Us Pray Full of Joy

    1 Thessalonians 5:16-19 

  1 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 16-18

  2 Do not quench the Spirit. The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 19, John 14:26.


   · My spirit rejoices in God my Savior.  In various trials, we love and trust Him, and rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy. Luke 1:47; James 1:2; 1 Peter 1:18

   ·The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through. Ro 8:26

   ·Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.

Ask in Lord’s name means ask after His heart. Lord, make known to me the path of life; fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. John 16:24; Ps 16:11

       (Reading the Bible in one year Jer. 33-36)





耶和華説:我要恩待誰就恩待誰,要憐憫誰就憐憫誰(出33:19)。我們是祂大蒙眷愛的兒女(約壹 3:1)。感謝讃美主,不忘神一切恩惠,祂赦罪醫病(詩103:4-5)。不要效法這世界,要心意更新變化(羅12:2)。豈不知我們是神的殿,神的靈住在我們裏面(林前3:16)。與世為友就是與神為敵 (雅4:4)。人不可有兩個主,拜神又拜錢財瑪門物質主義,也不把人偶像化(太6:24)。敬虔加知足便得大利(提前6:6)。在主裡喜樂平安。主耶穌說:我對你們所說的話是靈,是生命(約6:63)。



















































































直到2016年,有一次文益弟兄和靜芬來看望我父母,我和靜芬交通到我的經歷,她就把我帶到了CBCGB的姊妹組和Grace Chapel的姊妹組,從那時起我有了團契的生活,也開始了一點點的事奉。“不是我們愛 神,乃是 神愛我們,差祂的兒子,為我們的罪作了挽回祭,這就是愛了。”(約翰一書4:10)

就像希伯來書12:28-29寫的:“所以我們既得了不能震動的國,就當感恩,照 神所喜悅的,用虔誠敬畏的心事奉 神。因為我們的 神乃是烈火。”




